Forget From-Scratch.

Ready-to-use, Cloud-Based DPaaS

Designed for a seamless, white-glove experience, the Marquis IQ data platform removes technical barriers and positions businesses to tackle both current and emerging data challenges – FAST.

Propel your organization to real data impact in mere days with out-of-the-box tools and industry expertise.

Unlike traditional BI tools that merely provide reports and dashboards, Marquis IQ integrates actionable capabilities directly into the platform, revolutionizing data management and aligning with your fast-paced culture from the jump.

If traditional reports & dashboards are in 2D, Marquis Data is in 3D.

Business Apps

Turn Analysis Into Action.

Why should we expect the user to draw insights from a report or dashboard when we can do it automatically?
Enter: Interpretive Analytics.

Our proprietary insights engine analyzes your data, determines where issues or opportunities are and proactively contacts you to take action. Consider Marquis IQ your data copilot.

Our custom in-platform apps enable you to act on your data, immediately.

Note observations, assign tasks, correct data quality issues, and set up automated workflows so you can get ahead of the game.

Manipulate your data in-app – even automatically – rather than exporting to Excel.

You tell us what’s meaningful to your business, we’ll make the magic action happen.

Get Going with Go-Gets!
Go-Gets are app templates that we’ve created based on what customers have consistently needed. Browse some industry favorite apps here:
Sales Go-Gets
Efficiently identify and manage sales actions directly within Marquis IQ, assigning tasks to team members and setting targets to drive results.
Inventory Planning Go-Gets
Streamline inventory management by detecting demand changes and assigning tasks to adjust stock levels, review lead times, and more—all within the same analytical tool.
AR Collection Go-Gets
Monitor and manage aging accounts receivable in real-time, assigning tasks to the collections team and forecasting cash impacts, all within one integrated platform.
Pricing Go-Gets
Use Go-Gets to detect margin shifts and manage price adjustments centrally, tracking cost impacts and driving pricing actions to optimize profitability.
Purchasing Go-Gets
Tackle inflation and manage supplier costs effectively by assigning purchasing tasks and leveraging scale across suppliers, all within a unified tool.
Data Quality Workbenches
Clean and unify your data effortlessly by removing duplicates and inconsistencies, ensuring accurate and actionable insights across multiple systems.

BI & Analytics

Make Better Decisions, Faster.

Deep, model-driven, real-time analytics, expertly visualized, allow you to put your effort into making a difference in your business, not deciphering numbers.

Data visualizations and reports need to do more than surface data, they have to tell a meaningful story. Our professional UI/UX designers simplify complex data and make it easy to interpret and act upon.

Not all dashboards are created equally. Our layouts are designed specifically to be highly effective for human interpretation.

We leverage the industry’s best 3rd party enrichment sources to augment your data and provide another dimension of insight.

Add in AI, ML, and predictive analytics, and now your business vantage point just went up about 100,000 feet.

For mid-sized B2B companies, BI & analytics excellence translates into competitive advantage by improving operational efficiency, optimizing resource allocation, and driving strategic growth. With Marquis IQ, discover data excellence at a fraction of the cost & effort – so you take your business to the next level.

Data Hubs

Catapult Efficiencies with DPaaS.

A solid data platform unlocks endless possibilities for data integration, becoming the single, comprehensive source of your enterprise data.

A data warehouse alone isn’t a strategy—but it is essential to building one. The key to success lies in going further; connecting your data platform to your enterprise systems to enable seamless integration that drives efficiency and innovation. That’s what we call a Data Hub – and you can create one faster than ever before through the power of DPaaS.

Avoid the hefty expenses of developing and maintaining your own infrastructure.

Get up and running quickly with pre-built solutions designed to meet your needs.

Let experts handle your data, allowing you to concentrate on your core business.

Detect business conditions, leverage our interpretive engine, and take action immediately.

Beyond analytics, Marquis IQ integrates your data with other applications, like creating CRM Accounts or Opportunities directly from your data platform. A Marquis IQ Data Hub opens the door to infinite capabilities for data integration, making it the central system that connects your entire data ecosystem.

Ask yourself:

  • Is your data platform driving better decisions?
  • Why build when you can buy smarter?


With Marquis IQ, streamline data operations, boost performance, and significantly cut costs. Just as cloud computing transformed IT, it’s time to rethink your data strategy with DPaaS and unlock new growth opportunities for your business.

With rapid innovation, soaring expectations, and stringent data security, relying on a CFO, CEO, or CIO to set the data strategy course alone is no longer viable. The stakes are too high, and the costs of failure are too severe. A robust data strategy encompasses everything from data pipelines and visualization to advanced AI and predictive analytics.

Partner with Marquis Data to leverage industry-leading expertise, accelerate deployment, and maintain a future-ready, scalable solution for your evolving data needs.

DPaaS (Data Platform as a Service) is an end-to-end solution to power decision making.


  • Connectors (APIs)
  • Data Lakes
  • Data Warehouses
  • Reports & Dashboards
  • Alerts
  • … and everything in-between!